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Writer's picturep. dr. Vili Lovše

22.9.2022 – Razglašaj

»Potem je hodil od mesta do mesta in od vasi do vasi, oznanjal in razglašal evangelij o Božjem kraljestvu.« (Lk 8,1)

Naša vera je sprejem Jezusove besede in njegove osebe. Njegovo življenje je vzor za življenje Cerkve, ki nadaljuje njegovo življenje in oznanjevanje. Če ga poslušamo smo z njim domači in lahko z dejanji in besedo oznanjamo njegovo dobro novico. Preko učencev Jezus doseže tudi druge in je dosegel tudi tebe in mene. Z njimi so tudi ženske, ki s svojo materinskostjo omogočajo življenje. To je Jezusova družina. Mi smo njeni člani in mu strežemo, ker nam on prvi streže in daje samega sebe po besedi, ki postaja kruh za naše življenje. Jezus ni sam, mi smo del njegove zgodbe. Jedro Cerkve so tisti, ki poslušajo Jezusa in so z njim. Išče nas na vseh naših poteh, da nas sreča in povabi. Je kot ženin, ki išče svojo nevesto.

"Then he went from city to city and from village to village, preaching and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God." (Luke 8:1)

Our faith is the acceptance of the Word and Person of Jesus. His life is the model for the life of the Church, which continues his preaching. If we listen to him, we are at home with him and can proclaim his good news in deed and word. Through the disciples Jesus reaches others and has reached you and me. Women are also with them, making life possible through their motherhood. This is the family of Jesus. We are members of it and we serve him because he first serves us and gives himself to us through the Word, which becomes the bread for our life. Jesus is not alone, we are part of his story. The core of the Church is those who listen to Jesus and are with him. He seeks us out in all our ways, to meet us and invite us. He is like a bridegroom looking for his bride.

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